The brand-new report cabin reinforces the leading tier position as partners for the biggest players of automotive and insurance fields.

Ballsystem mixes the unstoppable technical research and the know-how acquired by its professionals to develop a unique tool and processes able to satisfy insurance companies’ needs.
The report cabin was born from the collaboration with USI Italia, leader in the making of cabins for car body painting. It features LED lights on walls and ceiling, with adjustable zebra curtains on every side. This tool fastens the finding of hail damages and makes it even more precise, becoming fundamental to channel big numbers of vehicles.
The report cabin brings together the values of transparency and time-saving through a digital archiving of all the activities and the no longer needed physical presence of the expert. The significant investment carried out by the company is the first of a series of big steps to evolve the car reporting field, making it smarter, digital and in real-time.